chat room - vertaling naar Engels
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chat room - vertaling naar Engels

Chatroom; Internet chat room; Chatrooms; Chat rooms; HCers; Chat Room; 3D chat; 3-D chat; Internet Chatroom; Mmocc; Group chat; Groupchat; Chatboxes; Chat box; Chat session; Web chatroom; Chat-rooms; Chat-Room; Online chat room
  • Element]] instant messaging client

chat room         

дословная передача

"переговорный зал", клубная комната, клуб [по интересам], дискуссионная группа


chat forum

Смотрите также


online chat         
Internet chat; Online conversations; Chat program; Chat (online); Live support; Live help; Online conversation; Text chat; Chatgroups; RealTimeQuery; List of sites for online chatting; Online chatting; Chatting (online); Online live chat; Chat software; Stranger chat; History of online chat

общая лексика

переговоры в онлайновом режиме

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  • Angola cave chat
Xenocopsychus ansorgei; Xenocopsychus; Angola Cave-chat; Angola Cave-Chat; Angola Cave Chat; Angolan Cave Chat; Cave chat; Angola cave-chat; Cossypha ansorgei; Angolan cave chat

общая лексика

пещерная чекановая горихвостка (Cossypha ansorgei)


(франц. pas de trois - танец втроём, от pas - шаг, танец и trois - три)

музыкально-танцевальная форма. Повторяет в основном структуру па-де-де (См. Па-де-дё). Чаще всего исполнителями П.-де-т. являются две танцовщицы и один танцовщик (например, "Лебединое озеро" Чайковского); возможны варианты - одна танцовщица и два танцовщика ("Фея кукол" Байера) или все танцовщицы ("Корсар" Адана).


Chat room

The term chat room, or chatroom (and sometimes group chat; abbreviated as GC), is primarily used to describe any form of synchronous conferencing, occasionally even asynchronous conferencing. The term can thus mean any technology, ranging from real-time online chat and online interaction with strangers (e.g., online forums) to fully immersive graphical social environments.

The primary use of a chat room is to share information via text with a group of other users. Generally speaking, the ability to converse with multiple people in the same conversation differentiates chat rooms from instant messaging programs, which are more typically designed for one-to-one communication. The users in a particular chat room are generally connected via a shared internet or other similar connection, and chat rooms exist catering for a wide range of subjects. New technology has enabled the use of file sharing and webcams.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor chat room
1. chat room.
Survival of the Unfittest _ Maysoon Zayid _ Talks at Google
2. from the chat room.
Taiwan's Global Contributions _ Audrey Tang _ Talks at Google
3. I'm in the male-for-male chat room,
LGBTQ+ Storytelling in the Digital Age _ Nathan Manske _ Talks at Google
4. All right, so seeing that you're a chat-room virgin....
Perfect Stranger (2007)
5. I only frequented one chat room-- the "Soap Opera Digest"
Survival of the Unfittest _ Maysoon Zayid _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor chat room
1. The next day she also "discussed with the administrators of the chat room, through online communications in the chat room, a contingency plan for the continuation of the chat room in the event that she were to be arrested," the indictment states.
2. Agents went undercover to gain access to the chat room An international online child porn ring that used a chat room to transmit live shots of molestation has been cracked, the US federal authorities say.
3. Ambassador: I do want to get together with the Netizens and continue to listen to their opinions. [Ambassador exits the chat room] [Ambassador re–enters the chat room] Ambassador: I apologize.'4; There was a technical problem.
4. A man described as Cox‘s lieutenant, Gordon Mackintosh, tried to resurrect the chat room in January.
5. "Now is the time to act," read one message on a police special forces chat room.